About Us
The Azrieli National Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research is composed of scientists from Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), physicians from Soroka Medical Center, and nine additional clinical and academic centers, who study, diagnose, and treat autism and other developmental disorders in Israel.
The Center was established in 2015 as an autism research center in the Negev (southern district of Israel), based on personal initiative of BGU researchers and Soroka physicians.
In 2018, the Center was recognized by Israel's Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology as a national center, and in 2021, it received significant support from the Azrieli Foundation.
The first Israeli national autism database was founded within the Center's work. Currently, the database contains comprehensive information from over 3,100 children with suspicion of autism. This data includes clinical, behavioral, genetic, neuroimaging, and other measures from the referred children and their parents.

Our Activities
We recruit approximately 650 new families annually and collect longitudinal data during annual follow-up visits. Our current focus is on expanding the types of data collected from each child and their family while strengthening the clinical and scientific partnership we have formed at the Center.